Student Services

Medical and Dental Clinic

General Policies

The health and well-being of students will be maintained while in school. The school Medical and Dental clinic is manned fulltime by competent health personnel and is visited daily by physicians and a dentist for professional handling of medical and dental concerns.

The Medical Office keeps individual health records of all students and employees which are updated annually at the beginning of each academic school year. The school physicians and dentist conduct annual check-ups which are recorded in the individual files of the students and personnel.

During the onsite classes, only initial medication for urgent cases shall be administered by the clinic personnel hence, medical services are in the form of first aid only. The parents are required to inform the Clinic on sensitive illnesses, special medications and special health related problems or instructions regarding their child/ren's condition/s for proper handling of first aid. Parents are informed if the clinic patient needs to go home and the health personnel gives a referral if there is a need for further consultation.

Students and employees within SHAP premises who suddenly suffer ailments or any kind of injury resulting from accidents will be catered by the medical staff. The Medical or Administrative staff shall inform the parents through phone call. Patients in emergency cases requiring hospitalization will be brought to the nearest hospital accompanied by the school nurse or a SHAP employee until the parent/guardian has arrived. Accident insurance policy shall be applied.

The medical and dental services also include providing health information to students and employees through infographics, health bulletins, posters and bulletin boards.

Health and Safety Guidelines During the New Normal

SHAP adheres to the guidelines as directed by the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID). All individuals entering any access points of SHAP MUST abide by the following:

1. Properly worn newly washed (if reusable cloth type) or new (if disposable) Face Mask that covers the mid-nose bridge up to below the chin of the person at all times.

2. Registered temperature check with 37.5 degrees celsius and below by the SHAP safety officer and/or on-duty security guards, through the automatic sensor.

3. Accomplished and submitted online Health Declaration Form and contact tracing form.

4. Scanned and registered Pasig City QR Tracking Code.

5. Physical distancing of 1-2 meters.

6. Ventilation: Indoor air should have appropriate egress outdoors by opening windows and doors.

7. Regular disinfection of workstations and all facilities.

Protocol for Communicable Diseases During Onsite Classes

Any child coming back to school from a communicable disease should be readmitted through the SHAP Clinic. A medical clearance from his/her family doctor should be submitted to the clinic The SHAP Clinic then issues a Fit-to-go-back to class once cleared.

In cases of a highly viral or communicable diseases, the school shall conduct the following procedure:

1. Cephalocaudal physical assessment, screening/ checking of vital signs of all students and employees before entering the school premises

2. Informing the parents/guardian and sending home students with signs and symptoms of communicable diseases

3. Requiring the student to submit Medical Clearance once the student is fit to go back to school after having communicable disease

In the event a student or employee is proven to have COVID-19, IATF-EID guidelines shall prevail including the required contact tracing, lockdown and quarantine. The affected student/personnel will be required to submit RT-PCR Negative Test Result for clearance.